Global Imbalances

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What are global imbalances, and what do they mean for the IMS?

In the wake of the crisis, the G-20 set up the Mutual Assessment Process to enhance policy coordination in the face of persistent global economic imbalances, but challenges remain …

Capital Flows

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What are capital flows, and how do they fit into the IMS?

Capital flows volatility is a major concern in many countries – especially emerging markets. What can be done to allow growing economies to reap the benefits of these flows while minimizing the risk of sudden reversal?

Global Reserve System

How does reserve accumulation affect the IMS?

The rapid growth in international reserves—for precautionary purposes or otherwise—represents to some extent a challenge for the IMS .

Global Financial Safety Nets

How can countries cooperate to mitigate contagion and limit the spread of crises?

A country in financial distress and unable to service its external obligations poses potential problems for the stability of the international financial system, which the IMF was created to protect.

Surveillance AND Policy Coordination

What is IMF surveillance, and how can it support global cooperation?

Reforms to IMF surveillance – the assessment of policies, outlooks and risks in its 187 member countries and the global economy – are underway to better take account of interconnections; this should aid policy coordination.